Tag Archives: Max Talbot

NHL New Social Media Policy: Pros vs Cons

15 Sep

As of yesterday, the NHL has decided to implement a new social media policy. This new policy regulates when and what players tweet/Facebook and beyond. The league’s new policy forbids players from using social media before, during and after games, during practice and during all other team obligations. Any use of such applications will result in an undisclosed punishment. For the NHL’s statement click here.

Now that I’ve provided a brief outline of the new policy, allow me to tell you readers how frustrated I am with the policies that the NHL, NBA, and MLB have decided to follow. Before you think that I am angry that I won’t be able to see raunchy locker room pics of my favorite boys, let me tell you that I could care less about that. Players and teams operating social media sites give fans a unique look into team life and the chance to interact one on one with league superstars and front office people. In my opinion, the main focus of social media is not about achieving a sales or marketing goal, but providing opportunities for the brand or company to create an authentic voice and show consumers/fans that they care about opinions and their individual voices. The fact that major sports leagues feel that they can control not so much the content, but when such content is distributed infuriates me. I am not going to get into a freedom of speech argument because I can feel all of the eye rolls as I write this.

On the other hand, the NHL is correct in implementing some guidelines. In today’s digital world, it is increasingly hard enough to control what information is published online. It is almost impossible to control the thoughts that any one individual can tweet, blog or update. A solid social media strategy is imperative to success.  In fact, I don’t believe that players should tweet updates about player’s game status’, strategies, etc. If you want to win, you get keep some secrets to yourself.

As far as impacting the players who tweet, the new policy shouldn’t actually change too much. Except for a few minor exceptions, most players use social media as a platform to promote their own brands or poke fun and react to news from the league. Personally, I love to follow current Phoenix Coyote Paul Bissonnette (a former Penguin), @BizNasty2point0 and Pens fan favorite Max Talbot, @Max25talbot. Mr. BizNasty tweeted “People asking about NHL’s new policy on Twitter. I think its good. I don’t even play much and I don’t tweet on game days. Plenty of off days.”

What do you fine readers think about not only the new NHL policy but social media policies in general?

Share your favorite athletes to follow on Twitter!

A little shoutout: If you want to read a hilarious Penguins based blog, go to The Pensblog and follow @Pensblog. One of the best hockey blogs out there (in the opinion of a Pens fan.)